
    青青:胡子,你周末不和我们打麻将吗? 胡子:我哪有空打麻将呀!周六我要带姥姥和舅舅去北海,周日要带婶子和姑姑去天坛。 青青:你成了你们家七大姑八大姨的导游了? 胡子:导游兼司机。 青青:Hu zi, won't you play Mahjong with us this weekend?
胡子:I'm crazily busy. Saturday I will bring my grandma(mother's mother) and uncle(mother's brother) to Bei hai park and Sunday i will bring my aunts(uncle's wife and father's sister) to the Temple of Heaven.
青青:You are your family relatives guide.
胡子:Guide and driver.