


In the Warring States period, the king of Chi loved listening to the reed pipe. He also loved liveliness and mirth, and liked shows of extravagance, so he often commanded his musicians to perform an ensemble for his listening pleasure. 

A man named Nanguo heard about this penchant of the king's, and devised a plan to infiltrate the band. During a performance, Nanguo, who did not know how to play the reed pipe, snuck in among the musicians. He shook his head when the others shook their heads; he swayed when the others swayed. He played like such a master that for a long time nobody detected the sham.

A few years later, the old king died. The new king preferred solo performances of the reed pipe. Nanguo racked his brains, but could not think up a way to continue the masquerade. Thus, he packed up his belongings and fled the palace that night.


竽:(yú) :  n.  ancient wind instrument 

排场 :(páichǎng):  n.  show of extravagance

癖好 :(pǐhào):  n.  favorite hobby

混:(hùn):  v.  pretend to be; while away time

行家:(hángjiā):  n.  expert

破绽:(pòzhàn):   n.  flaw



"滥(làn)" means "not genuine", "fake". "充数(chōngshù)" means to complete the number or quantity. "滥竽充数(lànyùchōngshù)" originally referred to someone who could not play the reed pipe sneaking into a reed pipe band to complete the number. It is used to describe people pretending to have abilities they do not actually have, or passing off inferior goods as fine quality goods.


   This time when checking whether the students memorized the lesson, the teacher made everyone recite the lesson one at a time, to make sure nobody lan yu chong shu.

   In today's chorus contest, there were some people who lan yu chong shu. They didn't know how to sing at all and were simply lip-syncing.