
Analysts at Griffin Securities conducted a handy piece of research on Microsoft recently: scanning the company's careers websites and analyzing the details of the more than 2,000 jobs on offer. What kind of people Microsoft is hiring, and the words the company uses in its advertisements, can give a useful early warning on the kind of projects it is putting more (and less) effort into.

What did they come up with? Here's a few intriguing details:

资券商Griffin Securities的分析师最近顺手对微软(Microsoft)进行了一项研究:分析师浏览了该公司的招聘网站,分析了2,000多个空缺职位的具体情况。通过观察微软希望招到的人才类型,以及该公司在招聘广告中使用的具体文字,我们可以尽早觉察出微软计划投入更多精力(或是打算收手)的项目。

- Expect much better streaming video services in the next-generation Xbox console, expected to be out later this year. 'A combination keyword search of 'streaming video' and 'Xbox' yielded four dozen open positions, ' Griffin wrote. Hooking up televisions to the world of the internet is still a fragmented market and one that nobody seems to have totallycracked yet, and it looks like Microsoft wants to make sure its next Xbox is competitive with all the other streaming media boxes out there.


- Microsoft has four times as many jobs available in Germany (136) than France (33). In fact, Microsoft has more openings in Israel (39) than all of France.

- 预计将在今年晚些时候面世的下一代Xbox游戏机将会有好得多的流媒体视频服务。Griffin写道,用"流媒体视频"和Xbox两个关键词进行职位搜索可以得到48个空缺职位信息。将电视连入互联网仍然是一个分散的市场,似乎没有一家企业已经完全攻克这一市场。看来微软希望确保其下一代Xbox能同市面上其它所有流媒体电视盒竞争。

- No advertisements could be found for hardware-related jobs in the Windows Phone division, 'an interesting result if Microsoft had chosen to develop a branded phone,' Griffin wrote.

- 微软在德国提供的职位数量为136个,是法国(33个)的四倍。事实上,微软在以色列提供的职位数量为39个,比法国多。

- Search is still a big focus for new talent: there were 249 job openings working on the Bing search engine, compared to 66 for Office (and no search results at all for Mac Office).

- 没有任何Windows Phone部门硬件相关岗位的招聘广告。Griffin写道,如果微软已经选择开发一款自有品牌手机,那么这一结果非常"有趣"。

No jobs, of course, for Windows XP -- still on 39% of computers -- as the decade-old operating system is set to be summarily executed next year.

- 搜索业务仍然是微软的招聘重点:与必应(Bing)搜索引擎相关的职位空缺为249个,与Office相关的岗位空缺只有66个(以Mac Office为关键字进行搜索,返回的结果为零)。

Tom Gara