
When it comes to exercise, many people seem to fall into two distinct camps: those who love a vigorous, sweat-soaked workout and those who view it as a form of torment.


With hopes of getting more people up and moving, scientists are looking at the body's biological and chemical processes for clues to understanding what's behind differing attitudes toward exercise. That could mean there are factors beyond motivation and discipline to explain why some people enjoy exercising and others don't.


One finding so far: How people interpret their body's sensations during and after exercise plays a large role in whether they enjoy it. Also, researchers at Iowa State University found that people's physicalcapacity could be much lower than many realize, so many people push beyond their limits without realizing it. For example, for sedentary people, just cooking dinner could count as exercise and they need to build up to even walking, the researchers found.

目前已有一个发现:人们对于运动期间和运动后身体感觉的认知会在很大程度上影响他们喜爱运动的程度。此外,爱荷华州立大学(Iowa State University)的研究人员还发现,许多人的体能极限可能比想象的要低得多,因此他们不知不觉就会超过自己的极限。举例而言,研究人员发现,对不好动的人来说,只是做一顿饭就算得上是一种锻炼,他们甚至连走路都需要耗费很大的体力。

Dan Cederholm has tried for years to find some type of exercise he could stick with. He finds the gym boring and basketball and baseball leagues unappealing. As for running? 'My shins always hurt like hell,' says Mr. Cederholm, 38, a Web designer from Salem, Mass.

多年来,丹•塞德荷姆(Dan Cederholm)一直想找到一种能够坚持下去的锻炼方式。他觉得健身房很无聊,对篮球和棒球又不感兴趣。跑步呢?"每次跑完步,我的腿都疼得要命。"38岁的塞德荷姆住在马萨诸塞州的塞勒姆市(Salem),是一名网页设计师。

His friend Rick Johnson, on the other hand, competes in 20 road races a year. He remembers that even as a kid, when he was told to run a lap during gym class, he would ask to do extras. 'To me, it seems very foreign to say I don't enjoy sweating or running,' says Mr. Johnson, 41, an editor who also lives in Salem.

他的朋友瑞克•约翰逊(Rick Johnson)则恰恰相反,他每年要参加20场公路赛跑。他记得自己小时候上体育课时,老师要求跑一圈,他会主动要求多跑几圈。"对我来说,如果觉得流汗和跑步不爽,那就太奇怪了。"41岁的约翰逊是一名编辑,也住在塞勒姆市。

From couch potatoes to Olympic athletes, everyone has a physicalcapacity for exertion, beyond which the body becomes stressed and begins to feel bad. How much stems from genetic factors