
Mayor Michael Bloomberg on Sunday ordered the evacuation of 375,000 people from low-lying areas in New York City in anticipation of Hurricane Sandy, signifying officials' growing concern about the severity of the storm and its impact on the five boroughs.

于预期飓风"桑迪"(Hurricane Sandy)将登陆纽约市,市长布隆伯格(Michael Bloomberg)周日下令从该市地势低洼地区疏散37.5万人。此举凸显出官方对这场飓风严重程度及其对纽约市五个区影响的担忧加剧。

The mayor also said all of the city's 1,750 public schools will be closed on Monday, and the city's subwaysystem is shutting down as of 7 p.m. Sunday.


'This evacuation is mandatory it is for your own safety,' Mr. Bloomberg said during a news conference at the city's Office of Emergency Management in Brooklyn. 'This is a serious and dangerous storm.'

布隆伯格在位于布鲁克林区的纽约市应急管理办公室(Office of Emergency Management)召开的新闻发布会上说,疏散是强制性的,是出于对大家安全的考虑。这是一场严重且危险的飓风。

Residents of the city's 'Zone A' area are ordered to leave by 7 p.m. Sunday. This area includes Coney Island, Manhattan Beach, Red Hook and other areas along the East River in Brooklyn; all of the Rockaways, Hamilton Beach and Broad Channel in Queens; nearly all of the coastal areas of Staten Island; some patches of the South Bronx; and Battery Park City and portions of Lower Manhattan.

纽约市"A区"的居民必须在周日晚七点之前疏散。"A区"包括科尼艾兰(Coney Island)、曼哈顿比奇(Manhattan Beach)、雷德胡克(Red Hook)以及布鲁克林区东河(East River)沿岸的其他地区;皇后区罗卡韦(Rockaway)全部地区、Hamilton Beach及Broad Channel;斯坦顿岛(Staten Island)几乎全部沿海地区:南布朗克斯区(South Bronx)的部分地区;炮台公园(Battery Park City)及曼哈顿下城部分地区。

The city will shut down the elevators in all 26 of the public housing developments in these low-lying areas, beginning at 7 p.m. Sunday. Housing officials have begun knocking on every door to alert residents to the evacuation, the mayor said.


Police officers will also be using loud speakers to notify residents in the low-lying areas about the evacuation.


Mr. Bloomberg said the forecastmagnitude of the storm surge has worsened, which prompted him to order the evacuation. Officials currently estimate the surge at six to 11 feet, the mayor said.


People who refuse to evacuate will not be arrested, the mayor said. 'But they are being, I would argue, very selfish. They are not only endangering their own lives, they're endangering the lives of others because in an emergency we aren't going to leave them to die. We're going to come in and save them.'


The city opened 72 evacuation centers in public schools on Sunday morning. Pets are welcome.


But the mayor urged the public to re-locate to friends or family before going to a public shelter.


As of late Sunday afternoon, there were hundreds of people in the city's evacuation shelter, a tiny percentage of the 70,000 available spots. Last year, during Tropical Storm Irene, the mayor estimated that 60% of those ordered to evacuated complied.


'Hopefully, this time, more people will listen,' he said.


'If you refuse to evacuate, you're not only putting yourself at risk, but also the first responders who will have to assist you in an emergency,' he said after touring an emergency shelter in Manhattan.


Mr. Bloomberg said he didn't expect to add more areas to be evacuated.
