
Wal-Mart Stores Inc. and Carrefour SA sprang into China in the 1990s, disrupting the traditional ways of shopping. But now, local companies, and one conglomerate in particular, are showing how Chinese retailers aren't only playing catch-up but learning to outfox their foreign megastore rivals.

沃尔玛(Wal-Mart Stores Inc.Wal-Mart )和家乐福(Carrefour SA)在上世纪90年代打入中国市场,扰乱了中国传统的购物方式。而现在,中国零售企业正显示出它们不仅只会跟在外资巨头后面苦苦追赶,它们还在学会如何智胜这些竞争对手,一家中国大型零售企业在这方面的表现尤其突出。

Take, for instance, the battleground of retail space, which is getting tighter in supply and more expensive in China's fast-growing cities.


China Resources Enterprise Ltd., 0291.HK +0.80% which operates 4,100 stores under 10 different retail brands, says it won space for one of its Ole' supermarkets in the shiny new Taikoo Hui mall in Guangzhou because it offered more than its rivals' single big-box concept. China Resources told mall developer Swire Properties Ltd. it could help populate a number of spots in the mall with its other brands