
Now that many millions of people have multiple computing devices -- laptops, tablets, smartphones -- it can be a real pain to make sure you have the document or file you need on the device you're using at any one time. And if you're trying to share those documents to collaborate on a project, emailing can quickly become confusing, especially if they are frequently edited or annotated.



A number of services are battling it out to act as trusted online repositories for important documents that can be accessed on all your computers and devices, and shared with others. Some even go beyond file storage to include built-in editing and collaboration tools that live on remote servers instead of on devices. In Silicon Valley, this is considered one form of the big trend called cloud computing.



This week, I took a look at some of the leading online file storage and sharing services. I didn't try to pick a winner, since they all worked fine for me. And I didn't do an in-depth review of them. Instead, my aim here is just to explain the category and highlight some of the key competitors. I compared their main features and costs.

我选择了主要面向消费者的四个知名在线文件存储和共享服务:Dropbox、SugarSync、微软(Microsoft)SkyDrive和谷歌(Google)的Google Drive。本专栏主要面向大众消费者,Box虽然也是一家大型云存储服务商,但主要面向企业客户,因此未被列入此次考察范围。苹果公司(Apple)的iCloud文件存储服务目前仅适用于苹果产品和少数苹果应用,因此也不在此次考察之列。当然,市面上还有很多类似的在线存储服务,由于知名度和规模较低,这里也不一一提及。


Overall, this type of service is useful for anyone with many computers and devices, either for personal or group use.



I chose to look at four of the best-known services aimed primarily at consumers: Dropbox, SugarSync, Microsoft SkyDrive and Google Drive. I omitted one big player, Box, because it is primarily aimed at businesses, while these columns are written for average consumers. I also chose to omit Apple's iCloud service, because its documentstorage feature only works today with a few Apple-built apps and only on Apple products. There are many smaller, less well known, alternatives not discussed here.


小型公司Dropbox Inc.推出的Dropbox云服务在同类服务中知名度最高,用法最简便,据其自称也最受消费者的欢迎。Dropbox让用户通过电子邮件或在线发布链接的方式共享文件,接收者点击链接即可进入一个读取共享文件的浏览器页面。用户也可以创建共享文件夹,对他人开放读取权限。用户还可以通过设置,让Dropbox自动从相机或智能手机导入照片。但Dropbox提供的免费存储容量最少,只有2GB。对100GB存储空间收取的年费相对较高,为99美元。

Most of these services work in basically the same way. They establish a special folder on your computer and install a small program to monitor that folder. Any file you place in that folder is synchronized with a similar special folder on any other computer where you've installed the program, as well as with a virtual hard disk stored on a remote server that's accessible via a Web browser or a mobile app.


SugarSync亦来自一家与产品同名的小公司SugarSync Inc.,服务成熟,名为"魔术公文包"(Magic Briefcase)的功能与Dropbox很类似。但SugarSync的一大优势是无需创建特别文件夹,可以直接对用户的现有文件夹进行同步和备份,省却了用户还要将重要文件存入特别文件夹的步骤。

If a file saved to the special folder is changed in one place, that change is replicated everywhere else. So the files are both backed up in multiple places and synced. All the services work on both Windows and Mac and on both Apple and Android-powered mobile devices. Each offers a teaser amount of free storage online for these files and then charges for storing more, at various amounts. For simplicity, I compared their annual fees for a 100-gigabyte account, more than enough for most average folks.



Each of the contenders claims to be secure and requires a password, but, like everything on the Internet, there is no way to be absolutely certain their security is impregnable.

微软SkyDrive在这四大云存储服务平台中提供的免费容量最高,为7GB,对100GB存储容量的收费也最低,只要50美元/年。这个月,SkyDrive将推出新的用户界面以及与现有苹果移动应用相似的安卓移动应用。但SkyDrive最大的优势还是在于,无论是在Windows电脑还是Mac电脑上,它与全球最流行的办公软件Microsoft Office的兼容性都非常之高。SkyDrive配有一个精简实用的在线版Office,适用于所有浏览器。SkyDrive上存储的任何文件在本地电脑的较新版Office系统上都可以随意编辑。用户也可以将本地Office系统中的文件直接存储到SkyDrive平台。

Google Drive


Google Drive是围绕谷歌在线办公平台Google Docs推出的相对较新的云存储和同步服务。与SkyDrive一样,Google Drive也内置了编辑和协作功能,但它无法直接对Microsoft Office文件进行编辑,要编辑这类文件,必须先转换为谷歌认可的文件格式。Google Drive还提供了大量的第三方应用,包括一个绘图应用。Google Drive提供的免费容量为5GB,对100GB容量收取的年费为60美元,仅比SkyDrive稍贵一点。

总之,这四个云服务平台对我来说都挺好用。但具体到每位用户,有人也许更喜欢SkyDrive较慷慨的免费容量和与Microsoft Office的高度兼容,有人也许更喜欢SugarSync直接对现有文件夹进行同步和备份的便捷功能。在抉择之前,不妨多试一试,反正是免费的,不是吗?

This service from a small company, Dropbox Inc., is the best known, and simplest, of the bunch. It also claims to be the most popular. You can share individual files via links you can email or post online that will bring up the file in a browser. You also can create shared folders to which you can give access to others. Dropbox also can be set to automaticallyimport photos from cameras or smartphones. But it has the stingiest free-storage offer -- just 2 gigabytes -- and is relatively costly, charging $99 for a 100-gigabytes plan.

Walter S. Mossberg


Also from a small company, SugarSync Inc., and well-established, this service has a feature called Magic Briefcase that is similar to Dropbox. But its big advantage is that it doesn't require this special folder. Instead, it can synchronize and back up online your existing folder structure, so you don't have to remember to place important files in the special folder.

For instance, it can keep your pictures folders on a Windows and Mac computer in sync, and make the photos available online or through a mobile app. It also allows you to share files with others. But linking all these folders can be complicated, which is why SugarSync is preparing a radical overhaul to simplify the process. It is also the costliest of the services I compared. While it offers 5 gigabytes free, a 100-gigabyte account costs $150 a year.


Microsoft's contender offers the most free storage of this group -- 7 gigabytes -- and the lowest price for 100 gigabytes, just $50 a year. This month, it will roll out a revamped user interface and a companion Android app similar to its existing Apple mobile app. But its biggest advantage is that it is deeply integrated with the world's most popular document-creation tool, Microsoft Office, on both Windows and Mac. It features a stripped-down, but capable, online version of Office that works in any browser. And any file you store on SkyDrive can be edited in your computer's local copy of Office, if it's a recent version, at the push of a button. You can also save files directly to SkyDrive from Office on your computer.

Google Drive

This relatively new service wraps storage and synchronization around Google's online productivity suite, Google Docs. So, like SkyDrive, it features built-in editing and collaboration, though it can't directly edit Microsoft Office files, which must first be converted to Google's formats. It also offers numerous third-party apps, like one for drawing diagrams. The service offers 5 gigabytes free, and charges just $60 a year for 100 gigabytes -- almost as little as SkyDrive.

Again, all of these services worked for me. But you might prefer, say, SkyDrive, for its bigger free storage, and tie-in to Microsoft Office; or SugarSync, for its ability to work with your existing folders. You can try several before deciding. It costs nothing to give them a test drive.

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Walter S. Mossberg