
Apple Inc. continued its push to convince a jury that Samsung Electronics Co. copied its products, turning to a graphical designer who once worked at Apple.

为使陪审团相信三星电子(Samsung Electronics Co.)盗用了自己的产品设计,苹果公司(Apple Inc.)请了一名曾经供职于苹果的图形设计师出庭作证。

Susan Kare, a independent graphics specialist who created images used in Apple's original Macintosh computer, testified Tuesday that she had analyzed Apple and Samsung's phones and found elements of their interfaces to appear 'substantially similar.'

卡雷(Susan Kare)现在是一名独立的图形设计专家,她曾为苹果第一代Macintosh电脑设计图形。卡雷周二作证说,她分析了苹果和三星的手机,发现了两者界面上的一些元素看起来极为相似。

She noted that the home icons, or images that depict applications on the device's screens, used for the Samsung phones such as the 'Captivate,' 'Epic 4G' and 'Galaxy S 4G' had infringed an Apple design patent that covers the look of and design of the iPhone's home screen. The iPhone uses a grid of images with text beneath them to represent applications on its home screen.

卡雷指出,"Captivate""Epic 4G"和"Galaxy S 4G"等三星手机的主屏幕图标(即手机屏幕上代表一个个应用程序的图案)侵犯了苹果一项涉及iPhone主屏幕外观和设计的专利。iPhone主屏幕上采用网格排列的图标和图标下方的文字来代表一个个应用程序。

Ms. Kare said that she had even become confused herself, once picking up a Samsung phone off a table full of devices at one of the lawyer's offices when she wanted to make a point about the iPhone.


'I mistook one for the other,' she said. 'In addition to the analysis, I personally had the experience of being confused.'


Samsung lawyers, in their cross-examination of Ms. Kare, focused on the start-up process for a Samsung phone, including when it initially says 'Samsung' on the screen, shows an animated 'Droid' advertisement and then a home screen with a Google Inc. GOOG -0.35% search bar at the top. Customers then have to push a button for the phone to display the familiar grid that Apple claims infringes its design. Google supplies the Android software used in Samsung smartphones cited in the case.

三星方面的律师在对卡雷进行交叉盘问的过程中,特别提及了三星手机的开机过程,包括屏幕上首先亮出"Samsung"字样,显示一段机器人动画广告,然后出现上方有谷歌(Google Inc.)搜索框的主屏幕。接下来需要用户按下一个按钮,手机才会显示苹果声称侵犯其设计专利的网格式图标。本案所涉三星手机使用的安卓(Android)操作系统是由谷歌提供的。

Samsung's lawyer, Charles Verhoeven, asserted that in the process for getting to the application screen