
 摩羯座 12.22-1.19

  The start of the week is all about being able to do what's necessary to provide for your future wants & needs. This is really all about being willing to put the past behind you... To release any negative thoughts, feelings or even "grudges" you might have against others so you can move towards the future without having to carry all that old baggage around with you. There can be financial challenges or restrictions to deal with... But the chart says these are really opportunities if you approach them from a positive perspective. Later in the week... The energy changes & becomes a lot more fun & exciting... At this point you're likely to become more of the "center of attention" & the "life of the party"... It's great for fun times, but make sure your responsibilities & obligations are being met。


  水瓶座 1.20-2.18

  The first part of the week is intended to be light & refreshing... This is the perfect time to get out & about... To laugh & goof with others... To share ideas without any pressure to accept or agree... To go to new places & experience different areas of life... (that kind of thing)... Even though the mood is light, pay close attention to what others are saying... This will be an important clue what you can expect in the upcoming future. As the week rolls onward... The pulls of "Modern Life" become much heavier as you'll have to balance the home/career areas of your life. This is when elements of the past tend to re-surface in your life too... It's when you're expected to re-evaluate your direction to determine if it leads you to where you'd like to go in life。


  双鱼座 2.19-3.20

  Your planetenergy is locked onto the financial & material areas of your life. This is when you need to trust & rely upon your natural instincts & inner "gut feelings"... This is a great time to either buy or sell because you automatically know the true value of things. It's a terrific time to plan for the future as your insights will prove to be "right on the money". You'll be able to appreciate the finest in food, music, art or literature... So this is a good time to go out to places that ooze the finest in quality. Around Wednesday the energy will shift into something much more fun & social. This is when the mood must remain light for it to favor you... The main idea here is not to take yourself or the things you do too seriously... It's all about restoring good times with friends & family。



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文章标签:预测  星座