
误译:A supermarket in Shanghai was reported to have sold dyed steamed buns for years.
正译:A supermarket in Shanghai was reported to have sold questionably tinted steamed buns for years.
解释:to dye的意思是 to change the colour of sth, especially by using a special liquid or substance,即"用染料上色或着色"。这种染色馒头不是用化学染料上色的,而是利用过期馒头为原料,添加着色剂制成的。因此不可译为 dyed steamed bun。染色馒头是一种有问题的添加色素制成的馒头。to tint 的意思是to add a small amount of colour to sth,即"添加少量色素"。笔者从网上找到 questionably tinted bun的说法。我们不妨用questionably tinted steamed bun表示"染色馒头"。

"染色"的第一个意思是"用染料使纤维等材料着色"。可译为 to dye, to colour, to stain。例如:
1. 苗族妇女用天然染色剂给她们的布料染色。The women from the Miao ethnic group dye their fabrics with natural colourants.
2. 他先给标本染色,然后再在显微镜下观察。He stained the specimen before looking at it under the microscope.

"染色"第二个意思是"用色素使食物着色"。可译为 to tint。例如:
3. 想不到这些诱人的玉米面馒头实际上是用着色剂染色制作的。Unexpectedly, these attracting corn-flour buns were actually made by tinting with colorant.
4. 根据当地习俗,人们在婚礼喜庆日子给鸡蛋染成红色作为礼物。According to the local custom, people tint the eggs red as gifts on a wedding day.

"染色"第三个意思是"将机体组织和细胞染成蓝、红、紫等颜色,以便于观察"。可译为 to colour。例如:
5. 这位科学家给细菌染色,以便在显微镜下容易观察。The scientist coloured the bacteria for easy observation under the microscope.