
误译:She is a neat lover who bathes several times daily, spends all her free time cleaning the house or washing clothes by hand.
正译:She is a neat freak who bathes several times daily, spends all her free time cleaning the house or washing clothes by hand.
解释:neat lover 指"爱清洁的人",具有中性义或褒义。"洁癖"指"过分讲究清洁的怪癖,或具有这种怪癖的人",有时略带贬义。freak 的意思是 a person who is considered to be unusual because of the way they behave, look or think,指"行为、外观或思维反常或怪异的人",带有贬义。neat freak 符合"洁癖"的含义。
"癖"的第一个意思是"个人独有的被认为是过分或古怪的习惯或习性"。"洁癖",可以译为 cleanliness fetishism;"有洁癖的人",可以译为cleanliness fetishist, neat freak;"有洁癖",可以译为 to have a fetish about cleanliness。例如:
1. 我是个无法控制的洁癖。我不能容忍面包渣掉落在柜台上,书籍离开书架,或待洗的衣物散落在地板上。I am a compulsive neat freak. I can't abide crumbs on the counter, books off the shelf, or laundry on the floor.
2. 这位老妇人说她丈夫对京剧有很深的癖好。This old woman says her husband has a great weakness for Beijing Opera.
"癖"的第三个意思是"对烟或酒的嗜好或依赖性",即"瘾"。这种瘾,可以译为addiction;有这种瘾的人,可以译为addict;"成癖",可以译为 to be addicted to sth。例如:
3. 他吸烟成癖,每天至少抽一包香烟。 He is a tobacco addict, smoking at least a packet of cigarettes every day.
