
原文:他是赵辛楣的来头,辛楣最初不肯来,介绍了他,说他是留学德国的博士,真糊涂透顶!他自己开来的学历,并没有学位,只是个各国游荡的"游学生",并且并非学政治的,聘他当教授太冤枉了!(钱钟书 - 围城 )
翻译关键词: 留学生&游学生,真糊涂透顶,冤枉
译文:Not wanting to come himself, Hsin-mei had at first recommended Fang, saying Fang was a returned student with a doctorate from Germany. What absolutenonsense that was! According to the resume sent by Fang himself, Fang had no degree at all and was nothing but a student drifter who had led a life of dissipation one country after another. Furthermore, Fang had never even studied political science. To hire Fang as a professor would be an injustice!(美 Jeanne Kelly, Nathan K.Mao <译> -Fortress Besieged)
"游学"旧时指到外地或外国求学,与"留学"是同一意义,但是这里的"游学"相比"留学",实则有点贬低方鸿渐,严肃的学习意味则有所减淡。原文也说得很清楚,方鸿渐并没有取得学位。由此,"留学生"与"游学生"在这里的表达当然也要是不一样的。要将两者区分开来时,"留学生"通常译为student studying abroad, returned student,"游学生"则可如译文中的a student drifter。再来熟悉两个常见词:
公费(自费)留学生 government funded (self-supporting) student
外国留学生 foreign student (studying in China)
真糊涂透顶!What absolutenonsense that was! 需要注意的是:nonsense是抽象名词,前面不可加a,也没有复数形式nonsenses。如:
That's all nonsense.
There is no nonsense about him.
1. 没有事实根据,给人加上恶名,如:
洗清冤枉 right one's wrong
2. 无辜的人被诬指为有罪,无过错的人受到指责,如:
I was wrongly accused.
3. 不值得;吃亏。(正是本文的意义所在)再如:
受冤枉气 suffer injustice (or mistreatment); become the target of unfair criticism
走冤枉路 take a roundabout way; go the long way round
It wasn't worthwhile to spend so much time on such a trifle.