
A quarter of expectant fathers now claim they now go through their own nine-month "pregnancy".
Fathers-to-be reported cravings for bizarre food combinations such as tomatoes with oranges and tuna with pickled onions.
The research also found fathers-to-be becomes more emotional, "weepy", even morning sickness and phantom pregnancy pains.
Of those affected, 26 percent experienced mood swings, and 10 percent had food cravings and 6 percent felt nausea, which was unconnected to any other illness.
Experts say the strange phenomenon is due to the emotional upheaval men also go through during their partners' pregnancy.
The shop worker, from Dover, Kent, said: "My wife thought I was going mad when I developed cravings for apples and marmite and started getting emotional during soppy films."
"I spoke to her midwife about it when we went for a scan and was reassured I was OK",he added.





"做孕检时,我就把这个情况告诉了她的助产师,而他告诉我这并无大碍", 这位店主补充道。