
Remember that proverbial parent-child talk about the birds and the bees?


The prevailing thinking among child-development experts is that this 'talk' should actually be a dialogue that starts as soon as the child can speak and continues until the child reaches young adulthood.


'The notion that we are supposed to have one talk about the birds and the bees and be done with it is a myth,' says L. Kris Gowen, a developmental psychologist and seniorresearchassociate at Portland State University in Oregon.

美国俄勒冈州波特兰州立大学(Portland State University)的发展心理学家及高级研究助理高恩(L. Kris Gowen)说,以为对孩子进行一次基本性知识谈话就万事大吉了的观念是一个误区。

Many parents know exactly what they want to tell their children about sex, and how and when. The American Academy of Pediatrics says by age 10, a child should have learned about human sexuality, including the changes of puberty and normal development, the correct names of body parts and differences between males and females. These chats should be age-appropriate, of course. But if parents wait until the early teens -- or even middle school -- to tell their kids the facts of life, they have waited too long.

许多家长确切地知道自己想在性方面对孩子说些什么、如何说以及什么时间说。美国儿科学会(American Academy of Pediatrics)表示,儿童在10岁时应该掌握性知识,包括青春期的变化及正常发育、身体各个部位的正确名称以及男女之间的差别。当然,这些知识的传授应该与孩子的年龄相适宜。但如果家长等到孩子十几岁甚至上中学时才把性知识告诉他们,那么等的时间就太久了。

Parents of young children find it increasingly difficult to shield children from explicit sexual topics, whether it is the latest public-figure sex scandal, a jeans billboard with a half-naked model 10 stories tall, or Internet pornography.


By talking to their children, whatever they decide to say, parents can convey their values, childhood development experts say. 'The one thing that you can do that no one else can do is share your values,' says Amy Lang, founder of Birds+Bees+Kids, a Seattle company that helps parents and others learn how to talk to children about sex. 'And the payoff is huge: The more information kids have, the better decisions they make.'

儿童成长教育专家表示,无论家长打算说什么,通过和孩子的谈话,他们都会传达出自己的价值观。Birds+Bees+Kids公司创始人朗格(Amy Lang)说,除了你之外没有其他人能做到的一件事就是和孩子分享你的价值观;这样做有巨大的好处:孩子掌握的信息越多,他们就会做出越好的决定。Birds+Bees+Kids是西雅图一家帮助家长及其他人学习如何与孩子谈论性问题的公司。

Sex education remains controversial on the state and local level. Currently it is required in 21 states, according to the Guttmacher Institute, a reproductive-health think tank that favors comprehensive sex education. A 2007 report by the National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy, a nonprofit group in Washington, D.C., evaluated programs aimed at preventing teen pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections and found the more information kids got, including information about abstinence, the less likely they were to have sex. 'Research shows that the more kids learn, the less likely they are to have sex,' Dr. Gowen says.

在美国,无论在州一级还是地方一级,性教育都仍然是颇具争议的话题。赞成进行全面性教育的生殖健康研究智库机构古特马赫研究所(Guttmacher Institute)称,目前有21个州要求学校进行性教育。华盛顿特区非营利组织、全美预防青少年怀孕及意外怀孕运动(National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy)2007年的一份报告对那些旨在防止青少年怀孕及性传播疾病的方案进行了评估,结果发现孩子获得的信息越多(包括关于节欲的信息),他们进行性行为的可能性就越小。高恩博士说,研究表明,孩子了解得越多,就越不会进行性行为。

Some people advocate abstinence-only programs, which teach kids to wait for sex and often focus on the risks of sexually transmitted infections and pregnancy. In 2007, a study by Mathematica Policy Research, of Princeton, N.J., a social-policy research firm, indicated that abstinence-only programs had no overall impact on teens' sexual activity and rates of unprotected sex.

有人提倡"惟有禁欲"的方案,也就是教导孩子不要过早发生性行为,并且通常主要讲述性传播疾病及怀孕的风险。2007年,新泽西州社会政策研究机构Mathematica Policy Research表示,这种"惟有禁欲"的方案对青少年的性活动以及无保护性行为的比率没有大的影响。

But what do we say? 'Don't worry if you don't have the answers,' says Deborah Tolman, professor of social welfare and psychology at Hunter College and the Graduate Center, the City University of New York. One of the most honest things you can say to a child is that you don't have the answer, she says.

那我们该说什么呢?纽约市立大学(City University of New York)亨特学院(Hunter College)和研究生中心(Graduate Center)的社会福利及心理学教授托尔曼(Deborah Tolman)说,如果你没答案,也不要担心。她说,对一个孩子可以说的最诚实的一件事就是,你没有答案。

Even Ms. Lang found out she didn't know how to phrase the discussion a few years ago, when her son was seven. She showed him a book about sex written for kids called 'What's the Big Secret?' He looked at a drawing of a man in bed on top of a woman and asked: 'So, how long do you have to lie there like that?' Ms. Lang's answer? 'Uhmmmm . . . Two minutes? Two hours? It just depends.'

就连朗格也发现,她在几年前儿子七岁时也不知该如何在这种讨论中措辞。她给他看一本名为《什么大不了的秘密?》(What's the Big Secret?)的儿童性教育书。他看着床上一个男人在女人身上的图片问道,那么,那样躺着要躺多久?朗格答道,嗯......两分钟?两小时?这要看情况而定。

'I felt completely unprepared,' says Ms. Lang, who has since written her own book about talking to kids about sexuality, love and relationships. She learned how to have an ongoing dialogue with her son, now 11, sometimes using news stories as a jumping-off point.


Children who feel able to talk to their parents about sex are more likely to talk with them about other things. When her daughter, Arden, was in third grade, Kim Estes, 44, a Redmond, Wash., mom, sat on her bed and they read a book together called 'Where Did I Come From?' A few days later, Arden had some questions, including, 'How often do you and Daddy do this?' Ms. Estes tried to be honest: 'We did it a whole lot when we were trying to have you,' she said.

感觉能和父母谈论性的孩子更有可能会和父母谈论其他事情。44岁的埃斯特(Kim Este)是华盛顿州雷蒙德(Redmond)的一位母亲,她的工作是为家长讲解儿童安全和性虐待知识。在女儿奥尔登(Arden)上三年级时,她坐在女儿的床上跟女儿一起读一本名叫《我来自哪里?》(Where Did I Come From?)的书。几天后,奥尔登有了一些问题,包括"你和爸爸多长时间做一次?"。埃斯特试着诚实地回答:她说,我们在打算怀你的时候做了很多很多次。

Arden is now 14, and the two have discussed puberty, healthy relationships and birth control. At bedtime one evening this summer, Arden told her mother, 'I have something to tell you,' and started crying. She said she'd gone on a chat site for teens, started writing to a boy she'd never met and gave him her cellphone number. The two had exchanged 900 text messages.


Ms. Estes, who talks to parents about child safety and sex abuse, had Arden show her the website and the text messages. Then she told her daughter about the dangers of connecting with strangers online, and her daughter promised not to do it again. 'I really think that first conversation about the birds and the bees opened the door for her to feel that she can come talk to me about anything,' says Ms. Estes.


'I knew my mom was ask-able,' Arden says. 'She was calm during the sex talk.'


Kids also need to know about the social and emotional components. Starting when they are toddlers, experts say, they should learn the correct, clinical words for body parts. Parents can explain what constitutes safe and unsafe touching, and what happens during pregnancy and birth.


Children this young may have questions about same-sex couples ('Why does Johnny have two mommies?'). Parents may want to explain that families come in different shapes and sizes, Dr. Gowen says.


Parents of kids ages 5 to 8 should continue to clarify facts. It's also time to start talking about the changes that will occur in puberty. And Ms. Lang recommends by about age 8 or 9 having a discussion about pornography. 'Give them a heads up that sometimes people look at videos and pictures of naked people on the Internet and that this is not OK for kids,' Ms. Lang says.


Kids ages 9 through 12 should get more information about puberty and learn what changes the opposite sex will experience, as well. Also talk about how, eventually, they will discover how a sexualrelationship can be good and how it can be dangerous. You should communicate your values about sex.


Once your child is a teenager, the focus shifts from the nuts and bolts to in-depth talks about values. You should discuss dating, romantic life and what a healthyrelationship is. Continue to talk about safe sex and explain to kids how to protect themselves from both pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections. Teens who are taught about risks and how to avoid them tend to wait longer before starting to have sex, and they have fewer partners when they do become sexually active, some experts say.


Parents of teenagers can ask them questions, to get them thinking critically about sex. What do other students at school do? What do you think of this? When is a person ready for sex?


As teens get older, the talk should focus more on relationships. Both boys and girls need to hear from their parents about casual sex, peer pressure and how to resist it, date rape and how to be respectful in a relationship.


Parents should talk to teens about sexting -- and remind them that a sexually explicit text message isn't private and could be illegal. And they should talk more about pornography. 'Talk to them about why you don't like it: It's unnatural and unloving,' Portland State's Dr. Gowen says.


Elizabeth Bernstein
