
Raffi Manoukian spends three weeks out of every month on the road for work. And while he loves the challenge of his job, the schedule has taken its toll: The 37-year-old national sales manager for a Canadian gas- and oil-services company has gained 40 pounds over the past four years.

每个月里总有三个星期,加拿大一家油气服务公司的美国区销售经理拉菲·曼努京(Raffi Manoukian)都在出差的路上。他喜欢这份富有挑战的工作,但也为此付出了巨大的代价:37岁的他过去四年里体重增加了40磅(约合18公斤)。

'I'll grab a salad with every intention of just eating the salad on the plane,' he says. But first-class upgrades come with all sorts of high-calorie goodies. 'I have a problem saying 'no' to chocolate cake,' says Mr. Manoukian, who often flies in and out of New York's La Guardia Airport.

曼努京是纽约拉瓜迪亚机场(La Guardia Airport)的常客。他说,"坐飞机的时候,我会尽量克制自己就吃份沙拉。"但是一旦升舱到头等舱,无数高热量美食也就接踵而来了。他说,"我很难抗拒巧克力蛋糕的诱惑。"

Being a road warrior may be good for your career, but can be bad for your health. Too many restaurant meals, lack of sleep, inadequate exercise and the stress of the hectic schedule can harm the body beyond just putting on pounds, a review of multiple studies on road warriors has found.


A study by the Mailman School of Public Health at Columbia University in April found that people who traveled most frequently for work were more prone to obesity than their counterparts who traveled more moderately.

哥伦比亚大学(Columbia University)梅尔曼公共卫生学院(Mailman School of Public Health)今年4月进行的一项研究表明,出差特别频繁的人士相较于出差适量的人更有可能罹患肥胖症。

Based on the medical records of more than 13,000 workers, the odds of being obese were 92% higher for people traveling more than 21 days a month and 18% higher for people traveling between 14 and 20 days a month than their counterparts who travel between one and six days. Nontravelers were 33% more likely to be obese than light travelers, which could be explained by the fact that people in the nontravelers category include employees unfit or too ill for travel, says Andrew G. Rundle, one of the authors of the report, which was published in the Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine.

这份研究报告发表在《职业与环境医学》(Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine)期刊上。该研究调查超过13,000位职场人士的医疗记录,结果显示,比起每月出差一至六天的人,每个月出差超过21天的人患肥胖症的几率会高出92%,每月出差时间14到20天的人则会高出18%。报告作者之一安德鲁·朗德尔(Andrew G. Rundle)称,从不出差的人士患肥胖症的几率比起少量出差的人也高出了33%,原因可能是这些人当中包括了那些因身体欠健康或者因生病而不能出差的人。

With obesity comes a host of other health risks, such as heart disease, Type 2 diabetes and certain cancers.


Extensive travelers also had higher diastolic blood pressure and lower high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (the 'good cholesterol') than people who traveled less frequently, the study found.


Other research finds that business travelers are more prone to other health disorders. A 1999 study of the global staff of Washington D.C.-based World Bank Group, for example, found that nearly 75% of respondents indicated high or very high stress due to business travel.

其他一些研究显示,常出差的人士更容易罹患其他的疾病。例如,1999年曾进行了一项针对总部位于华盛顿的世界银行集团(World Bank Group)全球雇员的调查,结果显示,接近75%的受访者都因出差频繁承受着很高的压力。

Any job comes with its share of stress, but the constantstrain of feeling rushed, overwhelmed and under pressure can affect the whole body. Headaches, mood swings and muscle tightness are common symptoms of overload. Excessive stress can also interrupt how the body functions, causing gastro-intestinal problems, an irregular heartbeat and sleep issues.


Indeed, a survey conducted for Westin Hotels & Resorts of 505 business travelers found that 55% of frequent business travelers experienced sleep deprivation, and 22% experienced sleep disruption or insomnia. Road warriors who frequently cross time zones, schedule early-morning flights and entertain late in the evening are all likely to find themselves tossing and turning.

威斯汀酒店(Westin Hotels & Resorts)对505名差旅人士进行的调查显示,55%的频繁出差人士都有睡眠不足问题,22%有睡眠过轻或失眠情况。那些常跨时区出差、赶早班飞机、晚上安排各种娱乐活动的人,睡不好觉是常事。

Exercise also suffers. At home, Mr. Manoukian exercises every day. But when traveling, he packs light to avoid checking luggage -- and workout gear doesn't make the cut.


Some hotels are catering to business travelers who don't have the suitcase space for workout gear. Boutique hotel chain Kimpton Hotels & Restaurants offers free in-room yoga, Pilates and workout videos on its hotel room televisions. Guests can also request a workout basket with a yoga mat, resistance straps and other gear for use in their rooms.

一些酒店已经考虑到了那些没法在行李箱中放下健身器械的差旅人士的锻炼需求。精品酒店连锁集团金普顿酒店集团(Kimpton Hotels & Restaurants)就免费提供室内瑜伽和普拉提课程,还在客房电视中加入了健身视频内容。住店的客人可以索取一套健身设备,其中包括一块瑜伽垫、弹力绳等等,这样就能在房间里锻炼了。

'They don't have to pack clothes. They can do it in their underwear,' says Niki Leondakis, president and chief operating officer of Kimpton. The hotel created the program after fielding complaints from guests who wanted to exercise but not lug around exercise gear, she says.

金普顿酒店集团总裁兼首席运营长妮基·利昂达基斯(Niki Leondakis)说,"他们都不用带上运动服,穿着内衣就能锻炼了。"她表示,酒店在收到很多想锻炼但又不想拖着健身器材到处跑的客人抱怨后开创了这项特殊的服务。

Westin is rolling out a program at all of its hotels in which guests can borrow New Balance sneakers and workout gear free of charge. (Each pair comes with a disposable insole to take the ick out of re-using shoes.) Guests can also download and print running maps for different properties on the hotel's website.

威斯汀酒店也在开展一项业务:旗下所有酒店都向有需求的客人免费提供新百伦(New Balance)跑鞋和其他一些健身器材。(每双鞋子里都配有一次性的鞋垫,避免寄生虫交叉传染。)客人甚至还能下载并打印各家酒店附近的慢跑路线。

Some experienced business travelers have figured out how to work in a workout.

有些经验丰富的出差达人都已经摸索出了旅行中的锻炼之道。46岁的莎莉·墨菲(Sally Murphy)是安进生物制药公司(Amgen Inc.)的高级区域销售经理。她说,每当出差时,她总会带上一双跑鞋,有时还会打包上弹力绳、瑜伽垫和哑铃。

Sally Murphy, 46, a senior district sales manager for biotechnology company Amgen Inc., always packs running shoes when traveling. She sometimes brings along resistance bands, a yoga mat and hand-held weights, she says.


Ms. Murphy, who lives in Noblesville, Ind., travels about two days a week for work, spending up to six hours in the car at a time. To avoid fast-food pit stops, she packs fruit, nuts, water and other healthy snacks in the car. 'I'm not perfect, sometimes I'll get a bag of Cheetos,' she adds.

其实,即便是不健康的习惯已十分顽固的出差达人也还有改正的机会。家住宾夕法尼亚州新希望镇(New Hope)的肯特·范登伯格(Kent Vandenberg)是半导体公司熵敏通讯技术公司(Entropic Communications Inc.)的区域销售总监。他出了几十年的差,现在还是每周出差三天。以前,他每周都有几晚跟同事和客户一起大吃汉堡、薯条,一边还喝着马蒂尼。现在,他常常找借口不去出席这些聚会,转而练瑜伽去了。

Even the unhealthiest road warriors can be reformed. Kent Vandenberg, regional sales director for semiconductor company Entropic Communications Inc., has been a business traveler for decades and currently travels three days a week. In the past, he often scarfed down burgers and fries and sipped martinis with co-workers and clients several nights a week. Now, he often excuses himself from drinking events for yoga.

范登伯格说,知天命的那年,他开始更认真地考虑自己的健康问题。现在他已经56岁,在出差去佛罗里达劳德代尔堡(Fort Lauderdale)、圣地亚哥、波士顿和新奥尔良等地的时候,他都会去参加瑜伽课程。

When Mr. Vandenberg turned 50, he began thinking more seriously about his health, he says. Today when he's on the road, the 56-year-old from New Hope, Pa., has a rotation of yoga studios he visits when in cities like Fort Lauderdale, Fla., San Diego, Boston and New Orleans.

在1月拉斯维加斯举办的"国际消费类电子产品展览会"(Consumer Electronics Show)上,范登伯格还成了个笑柄。他说,"想想看,那里是个无比盛大的聚会,我却惦记着着:'哎呀,我该去练瑜伽啦。'"

At January's Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas, Mr. Vandenberg was the butt of jokes. 'It's supposed to be the blowout party of the century, and I'm like 'Well, I'm going to go to yoga now,' ' he says.

Dana Mattioli
