
I'm an idiot.


I've just spent the last six weeks on book leave, and I've realized I've been writing about the wrong topic.


My new book is about money and the Bible. Instead I should have saved myself the effort and just banged out a cheap, superficialpamphlet with a title that would have sold a million copies: 'Gold $36,000.'

我的新书是关于金钱和《圣经》(Bible)的。其实我根本没必要费那么多功夫,只要随便写本廉价肤浅的小册子,再取名为《黄金直指36,000美元》(Gold $36,000),卖出一百万本准没问题。

After all, look at all the money Jim Glassman and Kevin Hassett made from publishing 'Dow 36,000' near the peak of the 1990s boom! The reading public loves extrapolation. You can always sell a mania book.

不信你看看吉姆•格拉斯曼(Jim Glassman)和凯文•哈西特(Kevin Hassett)在二十世纪九十年代牛市快见顶时靠出那本《道指直指36,000点》(Dow 36,000)赚了多少银子!读者就爱看这种外推法。说疯话的书永远都好卖。

And here I am, trying to be sensible. Silly me.


The gold mania is ready for its close-up now, Mr. De Mille.

黄金狂人准备好拍特写镜头了,迪米欧先生(Mr. De Mille,是美国电影《日落大道》中的角色,该片结尾时的名句是:好了,迪米欧先生,我已经准备好拍特写镜头了──译注)。

On Friday, for the first time, State Street's Gold Trust became the largest exchange-traded fund in the world. Its net assets hit $76 billion