We're very pleased to welcome everyone to this meeting. Shall we get started?(我们非常高兴各位来参加会议,那我们现在就开始吧!)
《白领英语900句》这是开会的一个开场白,西方人不太喜欢过多的寒暄,他们很快就会进入正题。除此之外还有句型:"It's a pleasure to welcome...""I'd like to start by welcoming...""Let's get down to business." "Ok, shall we make a start?"
Have you all seen a copy of the agenda?(你们每个人都看到会议议程了吗?)
《白领英语900句》在西方国家,会议前每个参会人员都会事先拿到一份仪程。所以会前一定要看一遍,对其中的事宜、流程都必须要作到心中有数才不至于被问及时一无所知,无从回答。给上司留下不好的影响。但澳大利亚人他们通常用 "chapter"来代替 "agenda".相关句型还有:"As you'll see from the agenda...""There are three items on the agenda..."
The purpose of this meeting is to discuses the current marketing trends.(这次会议的主题是讨论近期市场的发展趋势。)
objective today is to ...""We are here today to ..."加拿大老板会接着喜欢说:"The floor is open for discussion"当你听到"floor "这词后千万别误以为是什么深奥的意思,其实它的意思是这就是今天讨论的主题。
Mr. Brown, what do you think about this?(Mr. Brown,你是怎么认为的?)
《白领英语900句》通常在阐述完今天的主题后,主持人会询问与会人员的意见,在西方国家,老板很重视每个人的意见,他也希望每个员工都能提出自己的建设性的意见。类似这样询问对方意见的句子还有:What are our views on this, John? /Do you agree, Mary?/What's your opinion?/ Are there any further points?