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Dino 喜欢在马路上抛,但是马路上并不安全, 你能帮助Dino安全地在马路上跑吗?
按Z跳起,按X打滚. 你一共有三条命.
Dino the dog likes running. But there are lots of dangerous things on the road - tyres, rubbish bins and bouncing balls! If they hit him, he's in trouble! In this game you have to help Dino run, and answer questions about road safety along the way. How far can Dino run?

How to play: You have 3 lives. If an object hits Dino you wil lose a life. You need to make Dino jump or roll to miss the objects. Press z or x on your keyboard.
Z- to jump
X- to roll

The game is over if you lose 3 lives.

  • rubbish [´rʌbiʃ] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.垃圾;碎屑;废话 四级词汇