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In the picture, a man is applying paint to a table.
He does it so carefully that every inch of the table is coated with paint,
which symbolizes wealth according to the picture.
The message conveyed in the picture is clear:
we should carry out the policy that people in China reach the goal of common wealth,
an indispensable premise for us to build a harmonious society.
Thanks to the Reform and Opening-up policy,
some people in China have removed their financial stress and led a comfortable life.
But meanwhile, as China is a country with vast territory and a large population,
there exist some isolated mountainous villages,
where people cannot afford medical treatment, education, even daily necessities.
When the coastal cities develop rapidly, these poverty-stricken regions remain backward.
There's no denying that the widening gap between the rich and the poor
as well as that between the urban and rural areas could jeopardize the social stability.
In light of the grievousness of the issue,
it is imperative for governments at all levels to take effective steps
to reduce economic imbalances and bridge the widening gap.
Of supreme importance is that the interests of low-income people must be protected.
Only when people equally benefit from economic prosperity can we construct a harmonious society.