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In the picture, a man is standing in the boat,
his fingers pointing to the distance.
Characters in it read “scientific development”.
It goes without saying that this picture intends to reveal that
only in a scientific way can our nation develop rapidly.
How can we ensure that we make headway in the right direction?
As far as I am concerned,
several factors as follows need to be taken into account.
First and foremost, we should put a high premium on the public interest
and devote whole-heartedly to it.
That is to say, we must put the interests of the people in the first place,
since the ultimate goal of the development is to
provide a comfortable and happy life for people.
Besides, it is an essential task to close the gap
between the wealthy and the poor.
In addition, seeking people's advice can
prevent the government officials from isolating themselves from the masses.
Last but not least, we should balance economic growth
and environmental protection so as to retain rapid and sustainable development.
Undoubtedly, we will be confronted with enormous work and unexpected difficulties
in the course of development.
We firmly believe, however,
that we are heading for a brighter future as long as we do not go astray.