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In the above cartoon,
a patient who is only under the weather goes to see a doctor,
but when he receives his bill,
he is astounded by the unbelievably high fees charged by his doctor.
As is mirrored in the cartoon, nowadays,
a great many people, low-income residents in particular,
cannot afford medical treatment.
Moreover, an increasing number of medical disputes,
largely caused by doctors' prescribing unnecessary medicine
or treatment merely to make money, have come to the fore in recent years.
Both soaring medical fees and deteriorating doctor-patient relationship
have drawn nationwide attention.
Fortunately, our government puts a high premium on this issue
and has begun to take effective measures to improve the situation.
Firstly, rigorous laws are made to prohibit some doctors and medical institutions
to take advantage of regulatory loopholes.
Secondly, health care reform is being deepened
by establishing a basic medical treatment network that aims to cover everyone in China.
Therefore, there is still hope that the tumor threatening the stability of our society
will be removed in the near future.