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What a revealing picture it is!
In the picture, a finger tries in vain to knock over a tumbler.
The words on the tumbler read “unfair regulations”,
while those on the finger “public”.
Why do these unfair terms imposed on consumers remain intact,
in spite of the latter's repeated endeavor to sweep them away?
From my point of view, a number of factors are responsible for the phenomenon.
For one thing, some giant monopolistic industries often abuse their dominant position
to take advantage of consumers, who have no choice but to accept those unfair deals.
For another, government fails to deter this problem due to its weak surveillance system,
which practically overprotects local enterprises for the sake of profits.
It is not a tough problem to tackle as long as we find its root.
In the first place,
anti-monopoly laws should be issued and enacted to ensure the consumers' interest.
Secondly, it is imperative for the government at all levels to enhance supervision and
tighten restriction of the suppliers.
As a result, these unfair terms are bound to disappear sooner or later.