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In the picture, we can see a long list of names
on the charting of the wealthy,
while still many a person is waiting eagerly
for his name to appear on it. By contrast,
the donation charting has few supporters.
The picture vividly mirrors a phenomenon
that some rich men lack the sense of social responsibility
and contribute little care and love to those who are helpless.
Thanks to the opening and reform policy,
a great many people in China accumulate a huge amount of money
and thus lead a well-off, even luxurious life.
But they don't show beneficence as they show off
their magnificent mansions and expensive cars.
In stark contrast with some stingy multimillionaire,
many rich people are devoted to help the less fortunate.
A case in point is Bill Gates,
the wealthiest person in the world,
announced that he planned to give all his fortune,
$58 billion in total, to charity.
There is no doubt that Gates has set a good example
for those “iron-roosters”,
who have nothing but money alone.
It is necessary for the affluent
to raise awareness of responsibility
and obligation to the nation and the community,
from which they amass their wealth.
Or they can bear in mind what Confucius said,
“treat the parents of others the way
you treat your own and love the children
of others the way you love your own”.