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A donation box with a heart—the symbol of love—
is surrounded by men and women, old and young,
who put money into the box
and say their help is insignificant.
This picture, as far as I can see,
aims to call on every member in the society
to contribute their aids to those who are in need.
The scene depicted in the above picture reminds me
of what happened to us. When the catastrophic earthquake
occurred in Sichuan, millions of people at home and abroad,
responded to it immediately by donating money
or goods to the victims in the stricken area.
Some of them contributed almost all their savings,
even though they themselves find it hard
to make ends meet. As a matter of fact,
love cannot be measured by the amount of donations:
a cent is as precious as a million.
Whatever we offer, be it money or goods,
or volunteer work, it is a token of love,
which will save a life, or encourage one
to face up to the misfortunes.
If everyone is always ready to give a helping hand
to those who are in trouble,
we will overcome all the obstacles,
no matter how arduous they are.
Because any major difficulty one confronts
becomes minor when divided by two.