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A giant Chinese character, fu,
happiness as its English counterpart,
is prominent in the picture. But what is unusual
about it is its four squares are occupied
by some electrical appliances, and its dot replaced
by a symbol of technology. This picture,
as far as I am concerned, conveys an explicit message
that it is technology that brings us happiness.
It goes without saying that the modern technology
exerts a significant influence on our life.
Its products liberate us from heavy load of housework,
provide us with ample entertainment,
and facilitate our work or studies.
A case in point is when we are asked to
gather material about a certain subject,
we don't have to bother going to the library
and leafing through numerous books;
instead, we will have mountains of related information
available from the Internet merely by a keystroke.
But technology is a mixed blessing.
Some people, youngsters especially,
depend on technology so much that they start to
display symptoms of “technology addiction”.
Some teenagers, for example,
stay motionless before TV or computer for hours on end.
Therefore, they are harassed by health problems
and they also have difficulty communicating with others.
Technology is no more than our servant.
Nevertheless, not until we know
how to treat it reasonably, will it serve us better
and further elevate the quality of our life.