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As is vividly portrayed in the above drawing,
two men, representing the countryside and the cities respectively,
stride forward hand in hand. This drawing conveys a clear message that
the urban and rural areas should put a high premium on the common development.
Looking back on the past,
nobody can deny the fact that the boom in cities can be attributed,
to a large extent, to labor-intensive industries,
which owe much to migrant workers in turn.
From a different perspective, many farmers swarm into the cities,
where they can get more job opportunities and better education,
with the aim to improve their living standard.
All in all, both farmers and city residents benefit from the common development.
Nevertheless, we should not turn a blind eye to the uniqueness of both areas.
It is true that people in cities enjoy more chances,
better pay and more convenient transportation, but meanwhile,
they are rather harassed by such problems as higher living costs,
pollution and traffic jams.
In contrast, people in rural areas have better environment to live in,
with fresh air to breathe and clean water to drink.
Yet, prompt medical services and good education may not be available.
Therefore, drawing on each other's strong points for common progress
will help dwellers in both areas better enjoy the advantages while easing concerns
caused by the disadvantages.
Only in this way, will the country's future prosperity be guaranteed.