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As is vividly depicted in the picture,
a man attempts to fill a basket with water,
but water, which symbolizes lessons drawn
from the past failures according to the picture,
leaks out of the holes of the basket.
It seems to me that this picture aims to
satirize those who fail to learn their lessons
from the mistakes they have committed.
Ignoring the lessons derived from
our previous frustrations is a serious problem
both to the individuals and to the society.
As individuals, if we fail to incorporate
the experience into our life,
we will slip back into the old pattern
and repeat our mistakes. Similarly,
unable to assimilate former lessons,
the society is bound to get into bigger trouble.
It is known, for example, that about a decade ago
Beijing was subjected to an unprecedented sandstorm
resulting from the excessive deforestation
in the western part of China.
But recently some people are still cutting
trees blindly just to make money
without taking account of environment.
If they continue to do so,
they will encounter more destructive
environmental problems.Personally,
I think it is high time that we attached
more importance to past lessons so as to
avoid taking a roundabout route
in the process of development.