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There is no doubt that diligence plays a very important role in one's success.
And it's well accepted that diligence is one of the most important traditional virtues.
Diligence is like a boat that carries you to the other side of the river.
In order to reach our goals,
no matter how far away they are, we can always resort to hard working.
Perhaps no one feels the importance of diligence more than Chinese enterprises do,
which are facing golden opportunities of development.
As the country has joined WTO, working harder is perhaps the first priority.
Time is limited for them to be able to survive the fierce international competition.
However, there is no short-cut for a weak player on the market to be a strong one.
But for most of the time, opportunities are disguised in the form of hard work.
As the whole nation has been aroused to an enterprising climate that dares any difficulty,
it is hopeful to see Chinese enterprises becoming world leaders.
Diligence is really powerful. In real life,
the best way to be diligent is to make the best of time
by determining the exact goals we want and getting them
through small projects instead of big leaps.
Just as the saying goes, where there is diligence, there is a way.