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At first sight, the cartoon is not uncommon:
a man is spraying insecticide on a mass of pests
to prevent them from spreading diseases.
But on reflection,
we can realize it actually serves as an analogy to a phenomenon
that has aroused our social concerns.
Like these pests, product safety, especially food safety,
pose a grave threat to the public interest.
Now, some money-oriented businessmen resort to illegal means
in order to extract more profits from consumers.
They betray their conscience by injecting water into pork,
adding harmful substance to milk or applying too much agricultural chemical to crops.
Many consumers develop severe illnesses which result from eating tainted food.
In light of the seriousness of the problem,
we must spare no effort to launch a campaign against this phenomenon.
First of all, it is most important that a wide-ranging surveillance system be built
to guarantee the quality and safety of products.
Moreover, laws and regulations concerned should be made
to punish the selfishness and irresponsibility.
Last but not least, it is necessary for consumers to be well-informed of the potential harm
brought by certain problematic products.
With our concerted efforts, I am convinced these “pests” will eventually go extinct.