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What a funning cartoon it is!
It is clear that pinned to the track in front of ticking clocks,
a rabbit has no choice but to move forward,
though he appears to have nostalgia for the past days.
Above the cartoon, there are some eye-catching words:
Life is an irreversible progress.
Obviously, the painter means to impress on us the value of time.
Time is precious to all of us, college students in particular.
Free of much pressure from career and family,
college students have a great amount of time at their command.
Some students, who are conscious of the increasingly competitive society,
seize every minute and every second to learn knowledge from books
and enrich their social experience.
By contrast, a minority of students indulge in Internet games,
cards and other meaningless activities.
It seems to me that the following reason, to a large extent,
underlies this alarming phenomenon. When students step into universities,
they find themselves lost and without choices in the brand-new environment.
Those who have less self-discipline will seek comfort in cyberspace
and other recreations, like an ostrich hiding away from the reality.
Some measures may be helpful to those students.
First of all, it is necessary for them to bear in mind that a young idler,
an old beggar. In addition, they can set a reasonable goal and strive for it.
Meanwhile, of great importance is they make a specific plan everyday and do accordingly.
Only by doing so today,
can they be well prepared for the challenges that confront them tomorrow.