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As is vividly shown in the picture,
a football game is being broadcast on TV.
The game is proceeding under a rainy weather.
A loyal football fan stands on a stool,
holding an umbrella over the TV set,
so that the player will not be drenched with rain.
At first sight, the picture may seem a little ridiculous.
But upon reflection,
we will realize that it aims to reveal a quality important in our life—perseverance.
The man in the picture adheres to his interest.
Perseverance is an optimistic attitude toward life and an indispensable factor in success.
When we strive for our dreams we will unavoidably encounter many difficulties,
which, however, can be overcome if we do not quit.
Without perseverance, we couldn't have defeated SARS;
without perseverance, we couldn't have rescued so many survivors of the Sichuan earthquake;
without perseverance, we `couldn't have hosted the Beijing Olympics so successfully.
In contrast, many people end up tasting the bitterness of failure,
though they desire achievement in their career or studies.
One of the contributing factors is that
they fail to persist in clearing the setbacks off their path to triumph.
Therefore, when confronted with reverses,
we should hold a perseverant attitude and never give up.
Let's bear it in mind that rainbow always comes after a storm.