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As can be seen in the vivid picture,
a man presents a birthday cake with a “Happy Earth Day” card to the bandaged earth,
which looks weak and agonized.
In sharp contrast with the attractive, decent cake,
the house where the earth dwells is toppling down
and the food on which she survives are nothing but leftovers.
As far as I am concerned,
the picture aims at calling on the public to
curb feigning compliance with laws and regulations about environment protection.
First celebrated in the year of 1970
and credited with launching the modern environment campaign,
the Earth Day has become a worldwide holiday.
It is observed annually now,
promoting the enactment of laws and regulations concerning environment protection.
But their enforcement seems skin-deep,
for evidence of degradation of our globe can be seen everywhere,
alongside the slogans appealing the public for more concern about our planet.
Problems threatening humanity—soil erosion, desertification of land,
a variety of pollution, and global warming—remain prominent.
As our globe has suffered from a multitude of disasters,
it is high time that we—its inhabitants—stopped subjecting it to more catastrophic problems.
It is most important that we bear it in mind rather than
just print it on books or cloth that we have only one globe.