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Since the reform and opening-up ,
there has been a craze for going abroad in China.
Many students go abroad to study; many scholars go abroad to visit;
many tourists go abroad to travel;
even many people go abroad to get married.
There have been quite a lot of discussions over this phenomenon.
But is going abroad really a fawning on foreign countries?
I do not think so.
With the development of the transportation,
it is becoming easier and easier to go to another country today.
Just like many foreigners come to study, visit or live in China,
Chinese people also have various reasons to go abroad.
We can not blame them for their favorite and choice.
And many people who have been abroad would come back to
contribute to China's development. Actually, they are patriotic.
But for those who are wholly indulged in the foreign things
and are completely negative to their mother country China,
we should censure and instruct them.
In addition, those who do not go abroad also fawn on foreign countries
should be blamed. They just have no chance to go abroad
but really worship foreign things blindly.
So, going abroad does not mean a fawning on foreign countries.
We have to bear in mind wherever we are, we should not betray our mother country!