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Part 1
A+B: Yes, we are.
A: Yes, I live in Haidian District, it's near here.
A: The transportation there is very convenient.
A: I usually go to work by bus because it is cheap.
A: I lived in countryside.
Part 2
A: Look at the different kinds of food in the picture. Which do you like best?
A: Really? But I like pizza best. Every birthday my parents and I will go out to eat pizza. I think it is really delicious.
A: Yes, that is what I am worried about. Therefore, I usually eat pizza once a month. What do you think about the other two kinds of food, noodles and hamburger?
A: That is right. We should eat more food that is good for health.
Part 3
A: In this picture, two pupils are talking about whose father is richer. Nowadays, children always show off their wealth to their friends and take pride in rich fathers. They tell others "I am rich" not only by words, but also by buying expensive mobile phones, clothes and so on. They look down upon those poor children and laugh at them. I think this is a serious problem. A richer family can not prove you are more talented or competent than others. Money can tell nothing. The most important thing is knowledge and abilities. Money may be used up, but knowledge will never be. Once you get it, it belongs to you forever. So I think knowledge is much more important than money.
A: I agree with Candidate B and there are other things I want to add. Some people buy lottery tickets just to give their lives something to hope and to wait for. This makes life more exciting. In addition, they also contribute to the society by their money with which they buy the lottery tickets.