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Part 1
A+B: Yes, we are.
A: Yes, I have a brother.
A: Yes, we have a dog for a pet.
A: We travel about once a year.
A: We eat out about twice a month
Part 2
A: What do you want to do in the future?
A: That sounds great. But I want to be a white-collar in a company. I love competition. I want my life full of excitement.
A: I think they are so important for a society that no one can live without them. They are always saving people's lives with their knowledge and skills. They are really respectable.
A: Yes. Their inventions make life easier.
Part 3
A: The title of this picture "Hobby Kills People" may sound strange at first but after seeing the picture we can understand what it means. The young man in the picture is wearing a walkman and listening to some music. The music may be so loud and noisy that he even doesn't notice a car is driving towards him. It is really dangerous. Accidents are hiding everywhere in our life to hurt us when we are careless. The crowded road is where accidents frequently happen. Doing something else just like the young man in the picture or thinking about something is easy to put us in a dangerous position. Therefore, just remember what mom always tells us when we are little boys or girls: Look around before you cross the road.
A: I agree with Candidate B. We are not living alone, and every one is related to others in some way. We have our own old parents or grandparents. We should spread our respect for them to other old people and help them.