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Part 1
A+B: Yes, we are.
A: No, I was born in a village of Hebei Province.
A: I have lived here for five years.
A: I like living here because it is the capital of our country and it develops fast.
A: I don't think I will live here forever because people living here have too much pressure.
Part 2
A: Their lives are so different!
A: Rich people throw money on those unneeded things and luxuries while poor people don't have money to eat or to sleep. Have you noticed such a phenomenon in your daily life?
A: There are a lot of people in big cities that can not afford to get treatment in hospitals. But what about the rich? They can get whatever they want. It is unfair. What do you think of it?
A: Yes, it is included. I really hope this problem can be solved as soon as possible. Or it will threaten the steadiness of our society.
Part 3
A: In the picture we can see there are so many cars and buses stuck on the road. Traffic jam is very common in big cities such as Beijing and Shanghai, especially in the rush hour. As people's living standard improves, private cars become very popular. People regard them as a symbol of wealth and status. But does it really increase people's welfare? It is hard to say. If you are stuck on the road for two hours a day, how can you say it is a kind of enjoyment of life? Furthermore, the increase of private cars has a very bad effect on environment. The green-house effect and the acid rain are both closely related to the air pollution. Therefore, private cars should not be encouraged in our society.
A: I am afraid I can't agree with Candidate B. Busy life can not be the reason for people to become cold-hearted. The whole society is a big family. People should try to help each other. Every body will meet some trouble in their life and people should rely on each other.