

  学习目标: 学习本课后,学生们将能够理解和运用下列词语: hair, long, short, tall, thin, quiet, strong, big, small, cute  
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  Activity 1 Learning Outcomes

Ask the children to look at the learning outcomes for the lesson – you may explain what they are going to learn in Chinese.
(3 minutes)




  Activity 2 Listening Practice

1. While you listen, make a list of the words you hear that describe people.
2. Watch the movie

Dai Lisi:  Who put the books on the teacher's desk.
Zhang Linyue: I don't know her name but she's tall and she has long hair. 
Dai Lisi:  Who can it be?
Zhang Linyue  It can't be .... Because she has short hair.
Dai Lisi:  It can't be .... Because she isn't tall.  She's short.
Zhang Linyua: It must be Ma Lanlan. She's got long hair and she's tall.
Oh hi ....   Did you put the books on the teacher's desk?
Ma Lanlan:  Yes.  I put the books there.  Who put the pencils on the
Zhang Linyue: I don't know his name but he's tall and strong and he has
short hair.
Ma Lanlan:  Oh it must be Wang Dong.
Xiao Hong:  Wang Dong, did you put the pencils on the teacher's desk.
Wang Dong:  Yes, I did.

3. Make a list on the board of all the words used to describe in the movie.

Tall Short  Long hair Short hair Strong

4. Ask the children if they know any more words:

Do you know any more words to describe people?  Put up your hands if you know any.
Yes, thin – and what does that mean?

Write them up on the board.  These are some you might get.

Thin Fat Cute Pretty 

  活动2 听力练习

1. 一边听一边将你听到的描写人物的词语列出来。
2. 看动画。

Dai Lisi:  是谁将书放在老师的桌子 上?
Zhang Linyue: 我不知道她叫什么,她个子很高,长头发。
Dai Lisi:  Who can it be?
Zhang Linyue  这绝不是......因为她是短头发。
Dai Lisi:  这绝不是.......因为她不高,而且是短发。
Zhang Linyua: 这一定是 Ma Lanlan. 她留着长发,而且她个子也很高。
Oh hi ....   你把书放在老师的桌子上了吗?
Ma Lanlan:  是的。我把书放在那里的。谁把铅笔放在桌子上了?
Zhang Linyue: 不知他叫什么,但他个子高、很强壮,留着短发。
Ma Lanlan:  噢,他一定是 Wang Dong。
Xiao Hong:  Wang Dong 是你把铅笔放老师的桌子 上的吗?
Wang Dong:  是的,是我放的。

3. 在黑板上列出刚才描述动画的所有单词
Tall Short  Long hair Short hair Strong

4. 问问学生们知道不知道更多的词汇:
Do you know any more words to describe people?  Put up your hands if you know any.
Yes, thin – and what does that mean?
Thin Fat Cute Pretty 

  Activity 3 Describing

Put two pictures (Wang Dong and Xiao Hong) on the board.

Write the sentence pattern on the board:  She's ... and she's got .... hair.

Ask the children to look at the list of adjectives that are on the board and choose words to describe each one.

Look at the words we put on the board.  Which ones can we use to describe Xiao Hong?  Good.  Yes short and long hair. Now let's put the words into the sentence.  Can someone help me?

Do the same with Wang Dong.

You can download the pictures and worksheet at the bottom of the page.



将(Wang Dong and Xiao Hong)两张照片贴在黑板上。
在黑板上写下句型:She's ... and she's got .... hair.

Look at the words we put on the board.  Which ones can we use to describe Xiao Hong?  Good.  Yes short and long hair. Now let's put the words into the sentence.  Can someone help me?



  activity 4 Wrting Practice

Tell the children that they must choose another person in the room and write a sentence to describe them.

Let's play a game.  Choose someone in the room.  It's a secret.  Don't tell anyone.  Write down a sentence to describe them.  Remember, don't tell anyone who it is.

Get children to come to the front one at a time.  The children should read out their sentences and the other children must guess who it is.

OK.  Who will come out here and read their sentence.  Good.  Everyone, listen very hard.  Who is it?  Can you guess?



Let's play a game.  Choose someone in the room.  It's a secret.  Don't tell anyone.  Write down a sentence to describe them.  Remember, don't tell anyone who it is.



OK.  Who will come out here and read their sentence.  Good.  Everyone, listen very hard.  Who is it?  Can you guess?

  Activity 5 Guessing Game

Children should write three sentences describing a child in the room.  Two are false and one is correct. 

Now you must choose someone again.  This time it isn't a secret.  You must write three sentences.  Two of the sentences are wrong and one is correct.

Their partner must say which the correct sentence is.

Now read your sentences to your partner.  Your partner must say which one is correct.



Now you must choose someone again.  This time it isn't a secret.  You must write three sentences.  Two of the sentences are wrong and one is correct.


Now read your sentences to your partner.  Your partner must say which one is correct.


Find a picture of someone famous and write a description of them on a piece of paper for the next lesson.

  作业: 找一些名人,在一小块纸上写下描写他们的句子,为下一课做准备。

Click the icon on the right to download pictures or worksheets for this lesson.



文章标签:人教版  四年级  
