


Tony Blair writes a column on why he is supporting the Olympic bid (crowds/ passion/ legacy). He believes it is an exceptional bid, mixing vision with the aims and traditions of the Olympic Movement. Britain will have a state of the art Olympic park and world famous sports venues. The Brits were the biggest overseascontingent at Athens and London's legacy will be new sporting facilities, increased participation in sport and regeneration. London, a true world class city that excites young people. Games staged in London in 1908 and 1948 were important in ensuring the Olympic movement was equipped and strengthened to continue its vital role.

The Globe Theatre is to become the first professional theatre company in 400 years to stage the entire run of a Shakespeare play in the original pronunciation - close to that which would have been used in Elizabethan times.

Financial Times
London is on the highest alert after security services had said the terrorists remained at large and could strike again but the paper also reported the underground was operating a near normal service. Shoppers and tourists were returning to central London on Friday but "retailers and the travel industry will be the worst hit sectors in the aftermath of Thursday's attacks which could weakenconsumer confidence and unsettle foreign and domestic tourists". A meeting of the World Travel and Tourism Council estimated visitor arrivals to the UK in 2005 would be two per cent lower than the previousforecast of 31m.

Financial Times
"Pressured China revalues its currency" - Yuan strengthened by 2pc to end decade-long peg against the dollar.
  Check thetranslation to make sure you understand the headlines well.
column (n.) 专栏
Olympic bid 申办奥运会
exceptional (v.) 特殊的
venue (n.) 地点,场所
contingent (n.) 代表团(此处指赴雅典观看比赛的英国人)
participation (n.) 参与
regeneration (n.) 重建
vital (adj.) 十分重要的
role (n.) 角色
play (n.) 舞台剧
pronunciation (n.) 发音
aftermath (n.) 结果
weaken (v.) 削弱
unsettle (v.) 使不安
forecast (n.) 预测
revalue (v.) 再评估
currency (n.) 货币
peg (n.) 固定,维持
