
    乐乐:汉生,怎么了?怎么愁眉苦脸的?     汉生:别提了!我昨天把手机丢了。    乐乐:是吗?难怪昨天给你打电话一直打不通。    汉生:真是太倒霉了!手机倒无所谓,但是所有人的电话号码都保存在里面,我都没办法跟大家联系了。愁死我了!    乐乐:别着急,你可以去QQ、MSN上给大家留言,或者发邮件通知,请大家把自己的电话号码再发给你。    汉生:可是有一些人我只有他们的电话,没有其他联系方式。    乐乐:那就只好等他们联系你了。吃一堑,长一智。以后最好把它们写下来保存一份。     Le Le: Han Sheng, what's wrong? you looked upset.
Han Sheng: Don't mention it. I lost my cell phone yesterday.
Le Le: Really? No wonder I called you but couldn't reached you yesterday.
Han Sheng: What bad luck. I didn't care about losing a cell phone. What I care about is I stored all of my contacters in it. I couldn't contact with anybody now. So boring.
Le Le: Don't worry. You may go to QQ and MSN, leaving a message or an email to your friends, asking them to send their telephone number to you.
Han Sheng: But there are some friends whose telephone numbers are my only contacting way. I don't have other contacting method of them.
Le Le: Then just wait for their calls. Learn from your mistakes. You had better write down all of your contacters in the future.

Lesson Summary:
The cell phone is an important appliance for everybody and close friends to keep in touch. If you lose your cell phone, it's indeed a very inconvenient matter. Hansheng reminds everybody of his own experience. The cell phone is surely a proper means of keeping in touch with your good close friends.
Lesson Content: Lele: Hansheng, what's wrong with you? What a miserable and worried look have you?
Hansheng: Indescribably! I lost my cell phone yesterday.
L: Is it? No wonder I couldn't get through when I called you all yesterday.
H: It's been really bad luck! The cell phone doesn't matter but all the phone numbers I kept inside the phone. There's no way I can contact everybody. I'm worried to death!
L: Don't worry. You can go on QQ, MSN and leave a message, or send an e-mail to inform and ask everybody to give you their phone numbers again.
H: But there are some people I only have their phone numbers. There's no other way I could contact them.
L: In that case, wait until they call you. Experience teaches. Hereafter better write down the phone numbers and keep them.