

Then it was carried downstairs and taken into the courtyard so quickly that it forgot to think of it
self, and could only look about, there was so much to be seen. The court was close to a garden, where everything looked blooming. Fresh and fragrant roses hung over the little palings. The linden-t
rees were in blossom; while the swallows flew here and there, crying, "Twit, twit, twit, my mate is coming," but it was not the fir-tree they meant. "Now I shall live," cried the tree joyfully spreading its branches; but alas! they wer
e all withered and yellow, and it lay in a corner amongst weeds and nettles. The star of gold paper still stuck in the top of the tree and glittered in the sunshine in the same courtyard. Two of the merry children we
re playing who had danced round the tree at Christmas, and had been so happy. The youngest saw the gilded star, and ran and pulled it off the tree. "Look what is sticking to the ugly old fir-tree," said the child, tr
eading on the branches till they cracked under his boots. And the tree saw all the fresh bright flowers in the garden, and then looked at itself, and wished it had remained in the dark corner of the garret. It though
t of its fresh youth in the forest, of the merry Christmas evening, and of the little mice who had listened to the story of Humpty Dumpty. "Past! Past!" said the old tree; "Oh, had I but enjoyed myself while I could have done so! but n
ow it is too late." Then a lad came and chopped the tree into small pieces, till a large bundle lay in a heap on the ground. The pieces were placed in a fire under the copper, and they quickly blazed up brightly, whi
le the tree sighed so deeply that each sigh was like a little pistol-shot.

接着它被运到楼下,拿进庭院中,由于动作非常迅速,以至于忘了思考,只是左顾右盼,因那里有不少事物可看。 庭院附近有座花园,那里似乎每种植物都开花。 清新芬芳的玫瑰悬挂在小栅栏上。 菩提树正开着花,燕子飞来飞去,叫着:「啾、啾、啾,我的朋友来了!」但是那不是指枞树。 「现在我要生活了!」枞树一边伸展枝丫,一边快乐地喊着。哎呀!那些枝丫完全枯萎变成黄色了,而且它正躺在角落的杂草与荨麻之间。 黄金般的纸所做的星星仍旧粘在枞树的树梢,在太阳光下闪烁着。 曾经在圣诞节围着枞树跳舞、而且非常高兴的孩子中的两个,也在同一个花园里游玩。 最小的瞧见那个黄金星星,便跑过来从树上摘下它。 「你看粘在这株丑陋的老枞树上的是什么?」那孩子说着就践踏树枝,直到它们在他的靴子底下发出霹哩拍啦的声音。 同时枞树看见花围里所有的树木都开着鲜艳的花朵,再回头看自己的模样,不禁盼望自己是留在阁楼的黑暗角落。 它想起以往在森林中意气风发的年少时代,也想起快乐的圣诞节和听它叙述哈普第?达提故事的小老鼠。 「都过去了!都过去了!」老枞树说:「哎!在可以享乐的时候,我要尽情地享受。可是如今为时已晚了。」 随后一个少年来了,把枞树砍成许多小块,直到堆成一大座像山一般。 那些木片被放在铜锅下的土堆,然后迅速燃烧发出光芒。由于这时候枞树深深地叹了一口气,每一声叹息都好象射出一颗小枪弹似的。
