

But the stream grew stronger and stronger. The tin soldier could already see
the bright daylight in front where the coping ended, but he heard at the same time a roaring sound which might well have made even the bravest man afraid. Only fancy! where the coping ended the gutter plunged right down into a large ch
annel, which would be as dangerous to the tin soldier as sailing down a large waterfall would be to us. He was already so close to the precipice that he could not stand. The boat dashed on, the poor tin soldier stood a
s stiff as he could, that nobody should say of him that he so much as blinked his eyes. The boat whirled round four times, and filled with water to the very brim. Sink it must! The tin soldier stood u
p to his neck in water, and deeper and deeper sank the boat; the paper became quite undone; now the water closed right over the soldier's head. Then he thought of the pretty little dancing girl whom he should never see again, and these
lines rang in his ear;
"On, soldier! On- on- though swords and shots rattle, 'Tis thy fate to find death in the midst of the battle."
And now the paper burst in the middle, the
soldier fell through, and the same instant was swallowed by a huge fish.
How dark it was inside there! Worse even than the gutter-coping; and the space was so narrow too, But the tin soldier remaine
d steadfast, and lay at full length shouldering arms.
The fish frisked about, leaping and darting in the most frightful manner.

可是激流愈流愈猛。 在下水道尽头的地方,锡兵已经可以看到前面的阳光了。不过他又听到一阵喧闹的声音,这声音足以把胆子再大的人都吓倒。 想想看!在下水道尽头的地方,水流冲进一条宽大的运河里去了。这对他来说是很危险的,就好象我们被一股巨大的瀑布冲下去一样。 现在他已流进运河无法停下来了。 船一直往外冲!可怜的锡兵只有尽可能地抬头挺胸,什么也不能说,他眨了一下眼皮。 这船旋转有四次之多,里面的水一直漫到了船边。 而要下沉了。 直立着的锡兵全身浸在水里,只有头伸出水面。船正渐渐地往下沉,纸也慢慢地松开了。水已经淹到士兵的头上了。 他想起那个美丽的、娇小的舞蹈家,但他却永远也见不到她了。这时他耳朵里响起了这样的话:
那里面是多么黑暗啊! 比在下水道里还要糟糕,而且空间是那么狭小!不过锡兵还是很坚决──就是当他直直地躺下的时候,还是紧紧地荷着步枪。
