

"Stand around us then!" said the Princess, and so all the Court ladies did as they were bid, a
nd he up and kissed her.
"What is the meaning of all that commotion by the pigsty yonder?" asked the Emperor, who had stepped out upon the balcony; and he rubbed his eyes, and put on his spectacles. "Why, if it isn't the Court ladies! They are playing some sort of game. I must go down to them." So he put on his slippers, and pulled them up behind, for they were shoes he had worn down at heel.
My goodness! what a hurry he was in.
As soon as he came into the courtyard, he walked very softly, and the Court ladies had so much to do with counting the kisses, so that it might be
a perfectly fair bargain, and the swineherd might not get too many or too few, that they never observed the Emperor.
He raised himself on tiptoe. "Why, what's this?" said he, when he saw them kissin
g, and with that he beat them about the head with his slipper just as the swineherd had got his six-and- eightieth kiss.
"Be off with you, out of my sight!" said the Emperor, for he was very angry, and both the Princ
ess and the swineherd were expelled from his domains.


「一大堆人围着猪圈是在干什么?」国王问。他这时已经走到阳台上来了。他揉揉双眼,戴上眼镜。 「怎么? 那些宫女们在玩什么把戏! 我要亲自下去看个究竟!」 他穿上便鞋──他喜欢随意把脚伸进去,所以就把鞋后跟踩平了。
他轻轻地踮起脚尖来。 「怎么一回事呀?」他看到他们接吻的时候说。当养猪人正吻到第八十六下的时候,他就用拖鞋在他们的头上打了几下。
