

"Yes," she said, "that is the song that I can play. He must indeed be a clev
er swineherd. Go in and ask him what the instrument costs."
So one of the maids of honor was obliged to go down into the shed, but she put on pattens first.
at do you want for that pipkin?" asked the maid of honor. "I want ten kisses from the Princess," said the swineherd. "Good gracious!" said the maid of honor.
"Yes, I will not take less," said the swineherd.
"Well, what does he say?" asked the Princess.
"I really dare not tell you," said the maid of honor,
"it is too frightful!"
"Then whisper it in my ear." So she whispered.
"He is very naughty, really!" said the Princess, and turned away at once; but when she
had gone a little distance the bells jingled again so sweetly:�w
"Ah! thou darling Augustine !
'Tis all over now, I ween! "
"Listen now!" sa
id the Princess, "ask him if he will take ten kisses from my Court ladies."

paperw5175 margr0margl0ATXph0 plain fs20 sl345 f1 fs24 「是的,这正是我会弹的一首曲子!」她说。 「他一定是个有教养的养猪人! 进去里面问他,这个乐器需要多少钱?」
「你这个锅要卖多少钱?」侍女问。 「我只要公主给我十个吻。」养猪人说。 「天哪!」宫女说。 「是的,少一个吻也不行。」养猪人说。
「那么你在我耳旁悄悄的说。」 于是宫女就低声说出来。
