

So the duckling was taken on trial for three weeks, but not a single egg came to light. The cat was master in that house and the hen was mistress, and they always said: "We and the world!" for they thought that they were half of the world, and the better half too. The duckling hinted that there might be two opini
ons on this point, but the hen would not hear of such a thing.
"Can you lay eggs?" she asked.
"Then hold your tongue!"

And the cat said, "Can you arch your back, purr and throw out sparks?"
"Then you have no business to have any opinion at all when sensible people are
So the duckling sat in a corner and was quite out of sorts. Then it thought of the fresh air and the sunshine, and was seized with such a strong desire to float upon the water that at las
t it could not help saying so to the hen.
"Why, what's the matter with you?" asked the hen. "This comes of being idle. You have nothing to do, and that's why you have all these fan
cies. Lay eggs or purr, and they'll go away!"
"But it is so nice to float upon the water!" said the duckling; "so nice to take a dive and go right down to the bottom!"

就这样,小鸭在这里待了三个星期,可是他什么蛋也没有生下来。 猫儿是这个家的主人,母鸡是这个家的主妇,所以他们一开口就说:「我们和这世界!」因为他们以为自己就是半个世界,而且还是最好的那一半呢! 小鸭却持有不同的看法,但是他的这种态度,母鸡却无法忍受。
小鸭坐在墙角边,心情非常低落。 这时他想起了新鲜的空气和阳光。他突然升起一种奇怪的渴望--他想到水里去游泳。最后他实在忍不住了,就不得不把心事对母鸡说出来。
「你这是什么想法?」母鸡问。 这都是因为你游手好闲之故。 「你无所事事,所以才兴起这些怪念头。 你只要生几个蛋,或者喵喵叫几声,那么你这些怪念头就会消失了。」
