

So he came and paid them a visit in his rich black fur coat; he was very rich and learned, said the f
ield-mouse, his house moreover was ten times as large as hers; but he absolutely could not endure the sun and the pretty flowers ; having never seen them he spoke slightingly of them.
Thumbelina had to sing to him, a
nd she sang "Fly away, Cockchafer!" and "The Blackcap trips the meadow along." The mole fell in love with her because of her sweet voice, but he said nothing at the time, for he was a very discreet person.
He had recently dug himself a long passage under the earth from his own house to theirs, and he gave the field-mouse and Thumbelina permission to walk in it whenever they liked. At the same time he told them not to be frightened a
t the dead bird which lay in the passage; it was a whole bird with feathers and beak complete, which certainly must have died quite recently, when the winter began, and had been buried just where he was making his passage.
The mole took a piece of touchwood in his mouth, for it shines like fire in the dark, and went in front to light them through the long, dark passage. When they came to the dead bird, the mole put his broad nose through the earth ab
ove till there was a large hole. Through this the light shone on the body of a dead swallow, with its pretty wings folded down to its sides, and its head and legs drawn in beneath its feathers; the poor bird had certainly died of cold.
Thumbelina was very sorry for it, she was fond of all little birds; had they not sung and twittered for her so prettily all through the summer?

拇指姑娘得为他唱一首歌。她唱了<金龟子呀!飞走吧!>,又唱了<黑莺在草原上旅行>。 因为她的声音是那么甜美,钱鼠忍不住爱上她了,不过他没有表现出来,因为他是一个很谨慎的家伙。
近来,他在自己的房子里挖了一条长长的地道,可以通到她们的房子来。他邀请田鼠和拇指姑娘到地道来散步,而且只要她们愿意,随时都可以来。 不过他告诉她们不要害怕一只躺在地道里的死鸟。那是一只完整的鸟儿,有翅膀,也有嘴。无庸置疑地,他是不久以前,即冬天刚开始的时候死去的。如今被埋葬的这个地方,正好被钱鼠打通成地道。
钱鼠嘴里衔着一根引火柴,在黑暗中可以发出亮光。他走在前面,替她们把这条又长又黑的地道照亮。 当她们来到那只死鸟躺着的地方时,钱鼠就用他的大鼻子顶着天花板,在上面拱着土,拱出一个大洞来。 阳光通过这洞口直接照射这死去的燕子,他美丽的翅膀紧紧贴着身体,小腿和头缩到羽毛里面。这只可怜的鸟儿无疑地是冻死了。
