

The steam that rose from it took the strangest shapes, so that one could not look at them without ang
uish and terror. Every moment the witch put something fresh into the cauldron, and when it was well on the boil it made a noise like a weepingcrocodile. At last, when the drink was ready, it looked like the clearest w
"Here you are!" said the witch, and cut out the tongue of the little mermaid; so that she was now quite dumb, and could neither sing nor talk.
"If the polypi grip you as yo
u go back through the wood," said the witch, "just throw a single drop of this potion over them, and their arms and fingers will burst into a thousand bits!" But the little mermaid had no need to do this; the polypi shrank from her in t
error when they saw the potion, which shone in her hand like a dazzling star. So very soon she got through the wood, the swamp and the raging whirlpool.
She could see her father's palace; the lights
in the long dancing-hall had been put out; all within were doubtless asleep; but she dared not visit them now that she was dumb and was about to go away from them for ever. Her heart felt as if it must burst asunder for sorrow.
She stole into the garden, plucked a flower from each of her sister's flower-beds, threw a thousand kisses towards the palace, and ascended again through the dark blue waters.

药的蒸气呈奇形怪状地腾升到空中,看起来颇怕人的。 每隔一段时间巫婆就加一点什么新的东西到药罐里去。当药煮到沸腾的时候,有一种像鳄鱼的哭声传了出来。 最后药煎好了,它的样子却像非常清澈的水。
「当你穿过我的森林要回去的时候,如果珊瑚虫捉住了你,」巫婆说:「你只要将这药水洒一滴在它们的身上,它们的手臂和指头就会破裂,向四面迸散而去。」 可是小美人鱼并不须这样做,因为珊瑚虫一看到这亮晶晶的药水,在她手上清亮得像一颗闪耀的星星,它们就在她的面前害怕地缩回去了。 这样,她很快地穿过森林、沼泽和激烈的漩涡。
当她看到父亲的宫殿,那宽敞的舞厅里的火焰已经熄灭了,无疑地,里面的人已经进入梦乡。不过她不敢再去看他们,因为她现在已经是一个哑巴,而且就要永远离开他们了。 她的心痛苦得几乎要破碎。 悄悄走进花园,从每个姊姊的花坛上摘下一朵花,并对着王宫飞送一千个吻,然后就浮出湛蓝色的海面。
