

It grew late, but the little mermaid could not take her eyes from the ship and the handsome Prin
ce. The many-colored lanterns were put out; no more rockets rose into the air, and no more salvos were fired; but from deep down in the sea there came a murmuring and a roaring. Still she sat upon the water, rocking up a
nd down with it so that she could look into the cabin. But now the ship took a swifter course; one sail after another was spread; the billows rolled higher and there came lightning from far away.
A fr
ightful storm was coming on; that was why the sailors reefed the sails. The huge ship pitched to and fro as it flew across the raging ocean; the water rose like great black mountains, seeming as if they would roll right over the masts, b
ut the ship dived like a swan between the billows and then rose again on the towering waves. The little mermaid thought this grand sport, but not so the sailors. The ship strained and cracked, the thick planks bent under
the repeated shocks of the sea, the mast snapped in the middle like a reed, and the ship heeled over on her side while the water rushed into the hold. And now the little mermaid saw that they were in danger, and she herself had to bewa
re of the spars and wreckage of the ship as they drove along upon the water. For a moment it was so pitch dark that she could see nothing at all, but when a flash of lightning came it was bright enough for her to see everything on the s

夜已深,但小美人鱼没办法将她眼睛从这艘船和俊俏的王子身上移开。 那些斑斓的灯也熄灭了,火箭不再向空中发射,炮声也停歇了。可是在海的深处响起了一种沙沙及轰隆的声音。 她在水面上一起一伏地飘浮着,因此她仍能看到船舱里的东西。 可是船加快了速度并先后扬起了帆。浪涛涌卷起来了,浓密的乌云也浮聚着,远处掣起了闪电。
可怕的暴风雨快要来了!水手们因此都收起了帆。 这艘巨大的船在狂暴的海上摇摇晃晃地向前急驶。浪涛像庞大的黑山般高涨。它想要折断桅杆,可是这船像天鹅一般,一会儿隐进海浪里面,一会儿又在高耸的浪头上浮现出来。 小美人鱼觉得这是很有趣的航行,可是水手们却不这样认为。 这艘船发出碎裂的声音,它粗厚的船壁被冲击而来的浪涛给打弯了;船桅像芦苇似的在中间部位给折断了,然后船开始倾斜,舱里灌进了海水。 这时小美人鱼才知道他们遭遇了危险,她也得小心躲避漂流在海上的梁和船的残骸。 天空瞬间转为阴暗,她什么也看不见了。不过当闪电划过天际,天空又瞬息通明,让她可以看到船上的每一个人。
