

291. The Cat And Venus

A Cat fell in love with a handsome young
man, and entreated Venus that she would change her into the form of a woman. Venus consented to her request, and transformed her into a beautiful damsel, so that the youth saw her, and loved her, and took her home as his bride.
While they were reclining in their chamber, Venus, wishing to discover if the Cat in her change of shape had also altered her habits of life, let down a mouse in the middle of the room. She, quite forgetting her present con
dition, started up from the couch, and pursued the mouse, wishing to eat it. Venus, much disappointed, again caused her to return to her former shape.

Nature exceeds nurture.
291. 猫和爱神
一只猫爱上一个俊秀的青年,请求爱神将它变成一个女人的样子。 爱神允许她的请求,将它变成一个美丽的少女,因此那青年看见它,就爱上了它,将它带回去做新娘。 当他们在卧室休息时,爱神想看看猫改变了形态之后,有没有把它的习惯也改掉,就在房间中央放下一只老鼠。 猫完全忘了它现在的情况,从睡榻中突然跳起来,去追逐老鼠。 爱神很失望,于是让它重新变回原形。 天性胜过教养。
