

289. The Shipwrecked Man And The Sea

A Shipwrecked Man, having b
een cast upon a certain shore, slept after his buffetings with the deep. After a while waking up, when he looked upon the sea, he loaded it with reproaches that, enticing men with the calmness of its looks, when it had induced them to
plough its waters, it grew rough and destroyed them utterly. The Sea, assuming the form of a woman, replied to him: "Blame not me, my good sir, but the winds, for I am by my own nature as calm and firm even as this earth; but the winds
falling on me on a sudden, create these waves, and lash me into fury."
289. 遭遇船难的人和海
一位遇船难的人被冲到海岸,和海潮挣扎半天之后他累得睡着了。 过了一会醒来之后,注视着海,并且狠狠地咒骂了一番,说它以风平浪静的形态诱人,等到人们航行在海里,然后又变得凶猛,想要覆灭他们。 海变成一个妇人,回答他说:「好先生,请你不要责备我,这是风啊!因为我平静的性情同陆地一样,但风突然吹袭而产生这些波浪,不停地鞭打我,终于让我愤怒起来了。」
