

240. The Ass In The Lion's Skin

An Ass, having put on the Lion'
s skin, roamed about in the forest, and amused himself by frightening all the foolish animals he met with in his wanderings. At last meeting a Fox, he tried to frighten him also, but the Fox no sooner heard the sound of his voice, than
he exclaimed, "I might possibly have been frightened myself, if I had not heard your bray."
240. 披狮皮的驴子
一只驴子,披上狮子的皮,在森林里走来走去,恐吓那些在它游走时遇见的笨野兽,聊以自娱。 最后碰见一只狐狸,它也想去吓它一下,但是狐狸一听到它的声音,便喊道:「要不是我听到你的叫声,我还真会吓一跳呢。」
